Mighty Vet


My capstone project at the School of Visual Concepts was for the nonprofit MightyVet. I did research, UI, worked on prototyping and created the final presentation.

MightyVet is an organization that focuses on webinars and educational resources for veterinarians. It launched in 2018 as a simple webpage that collected emails for their newsletter. They came to SVC asking to take it to the next level by giving them the blueprint for a larger website. After they pitched our class, I connected to their mission and found team members who felt the same. When my team formed, we began brainstorming and creating a checklist for our short 8 week class.


  • Research, visual design, prototyping, project management

  • Worked on a team of three


When MightyVet came to SVC they were hosting webinars on other platforms. Their current site acts more as a business card for their organization and doesn’t have capacity for hosting large webinars. They needed us to provide next steps and a design system to work from.


  • Host webinars

  • Explore how mentorship scheduling would look

  • Resources page with a "help now" button

  • A donation page


My team thought to pair down the main tasks and focus on them, it seemed we could divide the large processes between my other two teammates. I handled the smaller processes but focused on the presentation, design, and research. This was crucial to our success because we had to work independently throughout the project.